Are you interested in improving your credit? Do you know your credit score but can’t seem to make it budge? Do you want to learn how to use your credit score to get better rates on loans or other credit products?
If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, join HFLA of Northeast Ohio for a free, virtual workshop on credit building with our community partners at Citizens Bank. HFLA will bring two credit specialists from Citizens who will walk us through the basics to understanding your credit score all the way through to the complexities around leveraging your credit when applying for future loans or purchasing a car.
What you’ll get: time with an expert, an applied activity, and an opportunity to voice your concerns and questions about personal credit and credit building in a safe environment.
We know how important your credit is and we are here to bring you the resources you need to reach your financial goals. We hope you are able to take advantage of this awesome program that will keep you on track to success!
Thursday, November 18, 2021 || 6:30 p.m.
Virtual, via Zoom, you will receive the link after registering
Did you miss us live? Find the full recording and slides for the presentation below.
Meet our Credit Experts!
Brandon Beachler has over 17 years of experience in banking, with a strong focus on consumer and business credit. He currently serves as a VP, Business Relationship Manager for Business Banking clients at Citizens.
He enjoys learning about his business clients in order to provide near and long-term solutions.
Outside of work, Brandon spends time with his wife, two kids, two dogs (Trixie & Cuya) and goldfish (Nemo). He enjoys anything outside, playing basketball, running, biking and playing music.
Kiesha Wilson is a Vice President and Multiple-Site Branch Manager at Citizens. With 25 years in the financial services industry, Kiesha has vast working experience in personal banking, credit cards and home mortgage.
Kiesha loves helping people meet their financial goals by increasing their financial education, confidence and knowledge of financials services that can assist them.
Kiesha is a proud mom of two children, ages 21 and 19. She enjoys riding her new Peloton and is a diehard Cleveland sports fan.